My Life with Hyperhidrosis

Posted In: Hyperhidrosis Forum

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        Holly Flowers on #5471

        I am so happy to have found a site about this issue and hope that everything I write will be helpful to others.

        I was in my early teens, probably about 12 years old when this started for me. I was in 7th grade and found myself with huge sweat stains under my arms. I had to plan what I could wear to not show the sweat marks. That wasn't the worst of it. My hands and feet would sweat like crazy. I'm now 58 years old so this was back in the 70's. Flip flops, the ones back then that had the kind of bamboo souls. Forget that, mine would turn to mud. I couldn't wear any kind of of open shoes that didn't get totally stained and turn black. And then there was the idea of a boy trying to hold my hand. I always had to make sure I was wearing something with pockets that I could put my hands in to avoid that.

        The worse high school experience I ever had was having to take a dance class as part of gym and it involved holding hands in lots of things. Everyone would just be wiping thier hands after touching mine. It was really devastating but anyone who hasn't experienced that can't understand.

        I tried to talk to my mom once about it. That went no where. I just learned to live with it and adjust. Then when I went into the corporate world it got even worse. Try going on an interview where everyone wants to shake your hand. And the thing is, the more you think about it and know it's coming up the worse you sweat.

        I have two children and was very aware that they might have this problem so was very open with them and told them to tell me if they experienced this. Actually my daughter when she was little and I'd go to hold her hand, she would say, ick mommy your hand is so sweaty. That was tough. Fortunately they do not. At least not to the extreme that I did. My son does complain sometimes that I gave him sweaty hands.

        I know there are some treatments now and it is a well known medical condition. Back in my day as a teenager trying to deal with this that was not the case. That's why I made sure to check with my children and make sure they were OK. Otherwise I would have gotten something to alleviate this totally humiliating condition for them.

        I may still try something because I still do suffer from it but have adjusted and am pretty old now. Hope this helps anyone young who is going through this. It really can effect how you deal socially and in the business world.

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