Small, itchy spots on fingers after using Drysol

Posted In: Hyperhidrosis Forum

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        Mackenzie on #5094

        Hi everyone,

        I've been using Drysol on my palms and fingers for about 6 months now and it has worked wonders for me! I'm a musician and I used to sweat excessively over the keys and strings of my instruments while practicing and performing. It was really embarrassing and actually started harming my instruments (i.e. corrosion, wearing out strings). When I started using Drysol, I stopped sweating even while performing and it's made my life much easier.

        However, in the past several weeks I've developed small spots on the back of my hands and sides of my fingers that are extremely itchy and seem to be at their itchiest whenever I apply Drysol at night. On the side of one of my fingers, I can see very tiny bumps but they don't seem to be anywhere else on my hands.

        Is this a rash? Should I consult my dermatologist? The spots stop itching once I apply an anti-itch cream but it's really a hassle and I end up waking up several times at night to apply the cream to the spots. New spots seem to start itching every night.

        Just wondering if anyone has any advice or has experienced this as well.

        Thanks so much,

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