Sweating location increase?

Posted In: Hyperhidrosis Forum

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        seb on #6391

        I've been sweating pretty heavily from my armpits since I was a teenager, I'm 24 now and recently have begun to notice myself sweating more on my hands and feet, not as much as my armpits but enough to make my hands feel sticky and uncomfortable, anyone else have their sweating spread out over the years?

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        tristan on #6766

        I get excessively sweaty armpits and hands. It gets so bad to the point where I go home from school to change my shirt or even my sweater. My sweat stains are very noticeable to others, and is extremely embarrassing. My hands also get so sweaty you can see it and they leave a wet mark on whatever I touch. The more effort I pour to my work the more I sweat my life was terrible when sweats occur in my body especially when my pits became wet and stains are noticeable. For me this is really my worst nightmare, I really don’t know what to do? Please help me!!!!!

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