Treating back sweating with Hidrex

Posted In: Iontophoresis Forum

      • Participant
        Toby-Essel on #1298

        Trying to find something that could put an end to my night sweating & back sweating, I ran into this:

        Big Hidrex Applicator

        Ordering this on top of the regular Hidrex package should make it possible to treat back (or chest) sweating. I tried looking for some more information on this, and according to the guys from Hidrex, a lot of these applicators were sold and people did not ask for refunds – so presumably they got results.

        I wonder if any Hidrex users here on network have more knowledge about this? I can only guess that I would need someone’s assistance to set up the applicator on my back and run the iontophoresis. It feels clumsy, to tell the truth.

      • Participant
        Lucas-P on #1301

        The applicator you linked looks like it could get the job done if you can firmly adjust it to your body. Definitely ask someone to assist you (a family member..?) The same person can also make sure that your applicator is properly wet, and to adjust the voltage and everything after you lie down.

        Good luck with this! 🙂

      • Guest
        Toby on #8041

        Hi, I noticed that my last treatments were just a little more painful in my right hand. I juat used some hand cream after the treatment to ease the pain. Should I lower the current? Or maybe I should change polarity every week, will it be ok? I saw after some cracks on my right palm after the treatment, but after using some cream they disappeared. Are the cracks mean I am overdry? It’s a little paintful on that area.

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        Romulo on #8216

        I have used the HIDREX PSP1000. This unit is really expensive and can only treat one area at a time. The good thing about this unit is you can treat yourself at home without assistance. This machine offers both a pulsed and direct current setting. Direct Current applies power to the patient 100% of the time and therefore gives the strongest effect. Switching the unit to Pulsed Current will provide a much milder treatment experience and this allows the user to increase power to a level not normally possible when using Direct Current on more sensitive areas. There are also other brands with good reputations that can be safely used at home. Each machine has its own set of instructions, but the general process is similar.

      • Guest
        O. Kang on #8408

        First, I had four sessions with Hidrex PSP 1000, my hands were dry and I continued with the treatment hoping that my fingers would get dry too. Then I continued another four sessions and my hands are very dry, but the top of my fingers still sweat.
        I noticed that the last treatments were just a little more painful in my right hand. I used some hand cream after the treatment. I saw after the treatment on my right palm there are two little cracks, but after using some cream they disappeared. Last week i began the maintenance treatments and it was going well. I did 15 minutes on 43V 90 Pulse curent and another 5 minutes just on the top on my fingers.

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        Martina on #11944

        Just a little update if there is still someone who reads this…After 2 and half weeks of using iontophoresis…my hands ( total of 6 hours) were finally 100% dry all day even though it was very hot outside 25 degrees. I can’t believe it. I keep looking at my hands and it feels like some kind of miracle has just happened, I am so happy and I am looking forward to the future and things I always wanted to do but HH always was stopping me. Not anymore !!! I am moving into maintenance mode from tomorrow. Just want to say Good luck to all HH people out there !!! I hope it will help you too !!! The best thing I could ever spent my money on. This feeling is Priceless 🙂

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