I’m from new delhi,india and fortunately the place where i live the water is just perfect for iontophoresis.
When i moved out for college i thought that the treatment would work the same as it was working before.
But i noticed that iontophoresis stopped working. I tried adding baking soda, epsom salt , changing the plates, heating the water, cooling the water, fingers half in, half out, less water, more water etc. but nothing worked.
I tried using mineral waters like bisleri and aquafina but they did not help either.
The water was just not right for the treatment and i had to accept it, though i kept doing the treatment hoping it would work.
Later from uni i moved to another place for internship. There again the treatment did not work with the tap water.
We used to drink a local brand of mineral water there. One day it struck me to try and use that. I tried that and aha it worked instantly!
Usually the water that doesnt work causes ur fingers to hurt. When youve been doing the treatment long enough you know it just doesnt feel right.
Few additional points id like to make.
I have also noticed over the years that varying the voltage helps. In the beginning i used 9 to just get my hands used to it then i moved up to 18. I used that successfully for a long time.
But recently when i moved back to delhi, my fingers seemed to hurt with 18th volts and the treatment was not working. I thought the water quality had changed and i would be doomed!
But i decided to get a variable voltage laptop adapter and tried with lower voltage.
The fingers stopped hurting and guess what? the treatment started working again.
So i moved down to 15 volts and the treatment was successful.
Still there are times especially when the season changes, that ionotophoresis stops working and my hands sweat profusely.
Now i think if i had tried with lower voltage when i moved out to university, maybe it wouldve worked?
Anyways guys, iontophoresis is by far the easiest and best treatment i have come accross. Keep at it, because it works!