This is my first time posting a comment but sorry that I’m a bit late. I only just came across this website!
In response to your question, I’ve got some good news! I’ve actually had LSA done and I’ve been so happy with my decision to get it.
I got it done in late 2013 after suffering with HH for my whole life. I flew all the way to Korea to get it done and my relatives took care of me while I was recovering.
You’re right, it is a little invasive but the actual incision is probably around 1cm and hardly visible because the scar has faded. I went under local anaesthesia so I was awake for the whole thing and even got to smell my own sweat glands being burnt off by the laser. Delicious. They just lasered the apocrine sweat glands and used suction to remove most of the area while also leaving a little bit of sweat glands so there is no development of compensatory sweating and to allow you to regulate your temperature like a normal person would when exercising/on a hot day etc. I stayed in the clinic for 2 hours and got to go home afterwards with some awkward bandages around my armpits. Recovery was pretty normal (around 2 weeks) and the pain was close to nothing.
If it is still possible for you to get it and you’re still struggling with underarm sweating I highly recommend considering it because its absolutely changed my life. Rather than spending money on temporary solutions such as botox, I think its a better option to spend a little bit more for the surgery and have it permanently dry!
Good luck and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.