my experience with excessive sweating hands , feet and armpits, started before my teenage years .At that time my parents had me try all sorts of roll ons ,gels ,powders etc and nothing worked. I became more or less resigned to feeling like a social outcast.All the time trying to hide my condition and avoiding situations where I would have to shake hands or meet new people. Only HH sufferers know what that does to your social life. A few years ago ( I am now 41 ) I read an article about Iontophoresis therapy which talked about a 98% success rate with the therapy and I became interested.The Iontophoresis machine, the Idromed 5PC a seemed a bit on the expensive side,but they offered a money back guarantee if you were not dry after 8 weeks and I thought ” why not I ‘ve got nothing to lose “. to make a long story short, I did the therapy with the machine as prescribed , every day for eight days and nothing was happening , I was still sweating as always.Then on the 11th day of treatment my hands were suddenly dry ! my feet and armpits took a bit longer ,but those areas are also now under control.I can say that Iontophoresis has changed my life. I never seriously considered Botox treatments as they are way too expensive for my pocketbook.