Vivian Morden started the topic Are our expectations sometimes too high? in the forum Hyperhidrosis Forum 10 years, 9 months ago
I have been complaining about head sweating to my friend recently, and she interrupted me with a bold remark.
“Whatever for do you think that you should have a completely DRY forehead to begin with?!” – that’s what she said.
In short, I was using Sweat Block wipes for my sweaty forehead, and while the results were fairly good, I could still feel…[Read more]
Vivian Morden replied to the topic Dating: how to confess that you have hyperhidrosis? in the forum Hyperhidrosis Forum 10 years, 9 months ago
I disagree with Leons that you should wait longer. Gosh, I actually think quite the opposite!
Do you really want to be with a guy who would be repelled by the fact you sweat too much? Really? I’m sorry if I sound harsh, Mary-Jane, but I want this to be a wake up call. You don’t want to end up with a guy who’d EVER be bothered by your excessive…[Read more]
Vivian Morden replied to the topic Hyperhidrosis in the forum Hyperhidrosis Forum 10 years, 9 months ago
Well, some of the people here wrote that they did use it, and Robert said it worked for him in his hyperhidrosis story, but I am not sure what do you mean by “off line”? Is that like an “off-label” medicine? Or one you can get without a prescription?
Whatever oral medication you use for treating excessive sweating, you’d do best to be careful and…[Read more]
Vivian Morden replied to the topic A study: ETS dislocates sweat but does not reduce it in the forum Hyperhidrosis Surgery Forum 10 years, 9 months ago
Wow, I am not surprised, not surprised at all. 🙄
It makes me shudder that I even ever considered doing an ETS. And I mean no disrespect to people who need to do it, and who did it. It is just that the whole snip snap surgery thing is scaring me to bits! 😯Thanks for posting that study Elena, but I think that many hyperhidrosis…[Read more]
changed their profile picture 10 years, 9 months ago
Vivian Morden replied to the topic The Best Idrostar Model in the forum Iontophoresis Forum 11 years, 3 months ago
Was curious and looked up their list of products etc.
Idrostar is the cheapest and has direct current only;
Idrostar+ is a new fancy direct & pulsed current, newer, more modern and versatile;
and Idrostar Pro Pulse is also recommended for use in hospital… I think it comes with more equipment, trays etc; and also has pulsed and direct…[Read more] -
Vivian Morden started the topic Water Quality Reports in the forum Iontophoresis Forum 11 years, 3 months ago
Here is something that can help those living in the U.S. and doing iontophoresis – especially if they’re struggling with getting the most out of the treatment.
You can see the quality of your local water, and I think that’s a good way to check the amount of minerals in the tap water used for…[Read more]
Vivian Morden replied to the topic Are home-made iontophoresis machines any good? in the forum Iontophoresis Forum 11 years, 4 months ago
Very interesting – Robert detailed his experiences with do it yourself iontophoresis!
I really liked this, it describes the whole process of setting the machine up and getting it to work. I’m glad it worked for you! It looks like something one should definitely try out if not sure about getting a professional iontophoresis machine. 🙂
Vivian Morden started the topic Is compensatory sweating after surgery unavoidable? in the forum Hyperhidrosis Surgery Forum 11 years, 4 months ago
I tried to learn more about ETS surgery, but instead I was only left scared. There are so many horror stories out there about ETS surgery. Most of them include compensatory sweating – again and again I see stories of people who got rid of excessive palmar sweating with ETS surgery only to get even worse compensatory sweating in some other part of…[Read more]
Vivian Morden replied to the topic Shorter haircut = less head sweating? in the forum Hyperhidrosis Forum 11 years, 6 months ago
I wouldn’t do it if I was you. If your hair is thick, you would need to cut it really, really short to make a big impact. And then keep it that way. Is it really worth it?
I feel your troubles since I also suffer from head sweating, and yes, my head really gets hot underneath the hair. You need to think about your priorities. I think the best…[Read more]
Vivian Morden started the topic Focal Hyperhidrosis in Several Locations in the forum Hyperhidrosis Forum 11 years, 6 months ago
Ok, I believe we all know the answer to the question “what is hyperhidrosis?” but I don’t know if everybody knows the difference between Focal HH and Secondary HH, so…
– Focal or Primary Hyperhidrosis refers to excessive sweating in one smaller area of your body. (Like hands, or feet, or forehead/face, or armpits…)
– Secondary Hyperhidrosis…[
Vivian Morden replied to the topic Have you had ETS surgery? Please share how did it go for you in the forum Hyperhidrosis Surgery Forum 11 years, 6 months ago
I have always wondered why people decide to take that big step and undergo an irreversible sweat gland removal (or snip their nerves – that’s equally irreversible). Your story of the pianist actually sheds some light on this for me. I can absolutely understand why someone like that would be desperate to get a proper and permanent cure – and…[Read more]
Vivian Morden started the topic All-purpose Antiperspirants in the forum Hyperhidrosis Forum 11 years, 6 months ago
I was looking for an antiperspirant topic and only found one “for men”, so here we go… All-purpose antiperspirants: for men, for women, for underarm sweating, for head sweating… Let’s talk about how to reduce sweating with antiperspirants on all critical body areas (and not just underarms!)
For me, it’s important that they are effective, not…[Read more]
Vivian Morden replied to the topic What's the best antiperspirant for men? in the forum Antiperspirants Forum 11 years, 6 months ago
Well excuse me for barging into your little boys’ club, but what’s the difference between antiperspirants for men and antiperspirants for women? I’ve been using some of the products you’re talking about, and my understanding is that most of these are unisex. Or am I wrong? Or is this topic simply about which unisex antiperspirant is the best…[Read more]