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Posted In: Rohit

      • Keymaster
        Rohit on #5311

        Hi Fran,

        Sorry to hear that iontophoresis is not working for you.

        20 sessions with 22 milliamps are quite a lot – over what period did you do those 20 sessions? You need to do a session on daily basis till sweat goes away and then reduce the frequency to maintain that.

        I have not heard of Ionomat, so cannot comment specifically on that machine. However, unless there is a problem with your specific piece of machine, I do not think that the machine itself is a issue here.

        You are doing the right thing – check the water quality. If you get hard water, adding baking soda may help.

        However, in the end, iontophoresis is just one of the options – it works for most people I know of, but may not work for all. You may, unfortunately, fall into that category 🙁

      • Keymaster
        Rohit on #5194

        Hi RJ,

        As per the manufacturers, the Iontoderma machines are not available in US or Canada (and some other countries). I suspect the reason is regulations and compliances, and with things like that, I won't wait for Iontoderma to become available again anytime soon.

        You may want to explore ebay, or other second hand markets (this website sometimes has posts from people wanting to sell their machines), or you may look for other machines. Hidrex has cheaper machines that are in $600 range – not as cheap as Iontoderma, but still cheaper than others.

        Lastly, you can build your own machine as per the instructions given on this website and some others. I do not recommend that option though.


      • Keymaster
        Rohit on #4115

        Thanks for sharing this Martha!

        I am sorry that you have this condition. Unfortunately, I do not know much about CFH as of now. I will love to learn more and hopefully someone on this forum may be able to share some insights with you.

        I wish you the very best – I am sure you will find something that works for your condition sooner or later!


      • Keymaster
        Rohit on #3800

        Hi Saket,

        Sorry to hear about your Hyperhidrosis problem, but happy to see that you are trying to resolve it rather than suffering silently!

        To be honest, I do not know much about LSA. I will however be very wary of going through an invasive process when an option like MiraDry exists. I have heard very good reviews on MiraDry and unless there is strong evidence that MiraDry is not effective for your kind of case (and that LSA is more effective), I will not go for LSA without having a second opinion.

        I am not saying your doctor is giving you bad advise.. however, Hyperhidrosis as a disease attracts a lot of commercially motivated advise from doctors and its up to you to educate yourself and ask relevant questions to them to be sure that what they are advising makes sense for you.

        Bottomline – Knowing what I know, and if I were you, I will either go for MiraDry or at the very least take another opinion if LSA is better choise

      • Keymaster
        Rohit on #2653

        Hi Sanjeev,

        Sorry to hear that you have hyperhidrosis – yes, it seems trivial, but can really hurt one's social interactions.

        There are several treatment options for Hyperhidrosis. Iontophroesis is one of them, and the one that worked for me. So yes, you have atleast one data point that it does work! I get to hear from a large number of hyperhidrosis patients across the globe through this website, and in general, my impression is that done right, iontophoresis works for vast majority of people with palmar/plantar hyperhidrosis. I believe there's atleast one study that said that it works for about 80% of patients.

        So in a nutshell, definitely worth a try. Good luck!

      • Keymaster
        Rohit on #1407


        Not sure if I understand the question fully, but let me attempt.

        In the pulsed current mode, Cathode and Anode switch frequently… so it doesn't really matter which plate you use for hands or for feet as both will get equal exposure to Cathode and to Anode.

        So, I am assuming you mean to use the Hidrex PSP 1000 in direct current mode.

        There is some postulation about anode having a better inhibitory effect on sweating than cathode (see this), but this is really unproven for most part. So if you want to try, you could use Hidrex PSP 1000 in DC mode, and use the anode (red one) on your hands and cathode on your feet.

        I wont really recommend doing what you plan to do… but who knows! Try it out, and let us know how it went. Good luck!

      • Keymaster
        Rohit on #1247

        Thanks Stephanie for letting us know of Anthydral – I had heard about that, but had no first hand account of how it works. It seems to work very similar to the antiperspirants.

        If you'd like, can you post the pics of your dry hands here? A picture is worth a thousand words! 🙂

      • Keymaster
        Rohit on #1116

        Hi Brittany,

        You can post a review for Hidrex GS 100 here.

        That way, it will be accessible to everyone even after this topic is closed.


      • Keymaster
        Rohit on #1113

        Thanks for the inputs Brittany,

        Yes, home made iontophoresis machines are a hit or miss, but they are much cheaper. They worked for me (till I got so bored with iontophoresis that I could not do it any more 🙁 )

        Which professional iontophoresis machine are you using? Would you mind dropping in a review? It would be great for others to learn from your experience.

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